I didn't talk much about how the C-section happened and what it was like. I was so nervous and excited that I didn't sleep much the night before. Neil's parents came into town and we had a nice dinner. I took a bath and went to bed early but couldn't sleep. At around 3 in the morning, I had to get up and go to the restroom, I was having lots of cramping so I took another bath and tried to relax. Finally at about 3:30 am I got back in bed and slept for about 30 minutes. Then it was time to wake up and get clothes on to get to the hospital for my 5 am call time! I was so nervous that I took us to the wrong floor first. We went to the nursery floor and then had to take the elevator back down to Labor and Delivery. They got me a room very quickly then gave me a gown and hooked up my IV and monitor for the baby and contractions. All that stomach trouble was because I was contracting fairly frequently but Eli was doing great---he had one little heart-rate drop when I almost fainted during the IV fiasco. It had to be replaced and part of it came loose and I bled like a stuck pig. (I think I could watch someone else bleed to death but if I see my own blood, it is all over!) About that time the family all made it there, and we hung out until it was time to go to the operating room. Once in the OR, I moved over to the operating table. Instead of an epidural, I got a spinal injection to numb me from the waist down. It was not bad at all. I felt a few tiny pricks then some pressure. Almost immediately my legs got numb and I relaxed. There were several nursing students (I found out later) watching my surgery and they ended up helping to take care of me the next day. It was kind of cool, but at the time of surgery it was weird. As soon as my legs started to numb, they pulled up my gown and started the catheter. Modesty was not an option ; ) Everyone in there saw all of my business. Then Neil was allowed into the OR and they started very quickly. My doctor and another one came in and talked to me while they were working. They allowed Neil to watch it all over the curtain and even told him he could take pictures, which I vetoed. I felt a lot of tugging and pushing/ pulling but no pain. I have never been so happy to hear a cry before. My doctor said something about him pooping and then immediately said he was peeing too. "All the pipes are working!" Then they moved him to the side of me so I could see and weighed and measured, performed his APGAR test (9). Then they let Neil carry him back to the recovery room. After they were done with me, Neil, Eli and I were able to bond for a little while and I was allowed to nurse Eli. HE did great, latched right on and has been a great little eater. Then our family was allowed to come in and visit and get to see Eli. They took great care of us. All of the nurses were so good to me and made me comfortable the entire time I was there. I was comfortable enough to want to stay an extra night just to make sure I was good to go home. The only bad spot of Eli's birth was that he had a terrible case of baby acne. It was so severe around his eyes that his little eyes were swollen shut almost and very red and splotchy. It was the worst on the day of his circumcision; that was a tough day for both of us. He was not himself due to the anesthetic they used and his baby acne made him look pitiful. I cried and was emotional all day and even a week later looking at pictures of that day. He looks perfect now and there is no sign of the baby acne bumps that were there. Honestly, the pain was minor and there was never a time when I would say my pain even went above a level 5…I did take some Lortab a few times to keep it low. In all the C-section was no problem and I would do it again for sure. I don't have anything to compare it to but it was quick and my baby was delivered safely and relatively pain free. I feel so blessed to have this little guy here.
Neil and I getting ready to go to the OR. Neil in his fancy outfit. |
Me getting to hold Eli for the first time. Neil is a proud dad! |
Looking at his little face…still can't feel my legs at this point ; ) |
My mom holding Eli. |
Sweet little face. already sucking on his little fingers. |
JO JO holding baby ELi |
Neil is watching over Eli very closely! |
getting footprints for the baby book |
finishing getting dressed, ready to go home |
not happy |
Mom and Dad soothing Eli |
Proud parents! |
Packed up and ready to ride |
waiting for dad, who pulled up in…A NEW CAR!!!! |
Dad loading Eli into the new car to go home |
Mom getting in back seat to ride with Eli. Going Home!!!
Congratulations on Eli! He is beautiful! We are so happy for you and Neal! Children are such a blessing, and I know you and Neal will be great parents! Enjoy this time!
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