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Assembly of the bumper pads. |
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Yes BOTH machines were in use! This was Day 2 and we were determined to complete the project. |
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Bumper pad #1, 5 more to go! |
I used the material from the bumper pads and covered some canvas squares and then painted and glued on the letters to give it a 3D appearance. I am still not sure about how I have them hung. I tried to make it look haphazard but that's tough for an OCD girl like me. I keep going back in and rearranging them, turning the letters different directions, etc.
I didn't talk yet about last Saturday. Lucy and I decided to go to the Farmer's market in downtown Shreveport and although I forgot to bring any cash, she remembered and we bought a lot of delicious fruit. My cantaloupe lasted 2 days---only because we were so busy sewing and eating tomatoes! Everything we brought home was so delicious and you can just tasted the difference in something grown naturally! Then, we ran a few errands. I had a diaper deal for CVS so we ran in there and looked at a few things. As we were leaving, realized that we had locked the keys in the car….Lucy says they fell out of her purse so I am not going to argue. Fred and Desi were back at the house doing something in our attic after the had finished golfing that morning in celebration of Father's Day, but were willing to bring the keys by to us. So we waited in CVS for 30 minutes or so and then we ran to a few places to register for some presents for Baby Eli! That was really fun and we had a blast picking things out and comparing all the cool items. I plan to make a trip to register at Target and Burlington…or maybe do that online. But that day we registered at Ladies in Waiting and Moms2Bee. Both are little specialty shops in the area and have tons of cute little "necessities." Then Sunday we worked more on the bumper pads and cooked out burgers for Father's day with fresh tomatoes and sweet potato fries. YUMMY!
Since then we have just been working and trying to rest. It seems like the dogs have more successful at that than me!You can't really see it but Dixie's tongue is completely out of her mouth and right now she is snoring so loud that she keeps waking herself up! Daisy is on guard behind her making sure no one goes down the street without us knowing about it!
It is just insanely hot outside which makes me so thankful for water and air conditioning/fans in our house. Judging by the size of my belly Eli is growing big and strong and I am wondering how I will make it through August and September with a belly bigger than this. I am feeling incredibly blessed and love that I can feel him kick and move everyday now. Neil has yet to have felt it despite all of my efforts. He just can't move fast enough to get his hand in the right spot and somehow Eli knows when Daddy is pressing on my belly and he just starts kicking inward instead. I can tell he will be very stubborn just like Daddy! Another funny thing is that I think he might sleep like me…Neil always teases that he would wake up in the middle of the night and I would be face down with my knees curled up under me in a big ball with my rear end in the air. My mom says when I was younger I did the same thing and she would come pull my legs out from under me when she went to bed. Well every morning when I wake up there is the funniest shape to my belly. It's a small square lump straight up in the middle that is as hard as a rock and although he is only about two pounds and 9 in long I swear I can feel a little head and rump curled up there. Of course I don't know which is which! Anyway it is so amazing to me and I am in awe every morning when I wake up and feel him move as I rub my belly before I get up. What a miracle! and I can truly say that For this child I have prayed! and the Lord heard me and opened my womb and gave me a son! I absolutely can't wait to meet him!
Love all the stuff you're making and love his letters! It's funny because for the longest time, I'd tell Sean to "quick come feel her" and it's like she knew and would freeze! Drove him bananas! Even now, I'll try to video her moving my belly around and it's like she hears the little beep when it starts and just stops moving--otherwise it's almost non-stop and hilarious to watch!!!!